Metragram on an Islamic Shi'ah woman, Tehran, 2006.
Ecumenopolis, 2007.

Inspired by a deep sense of wanderlust and the experience of foreignness, Van Hove questions the limits, “moral competence” and modes of persuasion of western contemporary art, once brought to the “audiences of the border.” If he defines his work as poetic and tempted, it has recently been advanced by some that while pondering on Globalisation it inscribes in the current of Fantastic Art. Prolific artist, he reflects on materialism and nomadism, whereas his insubstantial and subtle interventions often question in a discursive way sociological, political and ecological issues. Having made displacement his studio, he is in perpetual movement ; residencies in 2006 include Kolin Ryyanänen (Karelia/Finland), MIDBAR (Mitzpe Ramon/Israel), Paradise Art Center (Tehran/Iran), Sharjah Art Museum (United Arab Emirates), Lijiang Studio (Yunnan/China), while that same year he lectured in ten countries including the West Bank.

Born in Guelma, Algeria (1975). Eric Van Hove was educated in Cameroon, Belgium and Japan, studying Contemporary art (BA, E.R.G./Brussels), Traditional Japanese Calligraphy (MA, Gakugei University/Tokyo) and is currently a PhD candidates in Contemporary Art in the Tokyo Geidai University of Fine Arts and Music. He has been based in Tokyo, Japan since 2001. He has exhibited internationally, recently in Toride Art Museum (Tokyo/Japan), STUK – Museum of Contemporary Art (Leuven/Belgium) and MOP Projects gallery (Sydney/Australia)…

Eric Van Hove’s residency at Location One is supported by the Service culturel, Commissariat général aux Relations internationales de la Communauté française de Belgique.

Video Interview
