International Fellow 2008-2009

Binary Star, 2006 (mixed media 9m in diameter)
No Such Thing As One, 14 October – 18 November 2006
Victoria Miro Gallery, London UK
Conrad Shawcross, who hails from London, has attracted significant critical attention. He has become renowned for his large-scale kinetic sculptures that combine interests in art, science and philosophy. “These often complex works incorporate mechanized systems that appear functional yet have no useful application in the real world. They remain intriguing and compelling to the viewer, demonstrating intellectual rigour, technical dexterity and an intense sense of drama.”
During his fellowship at Location One, from September 2008 to June 2009, he will explore new conceptual approaches and new applications of technology to his artistic practice and will develop new work for exhibition. Conrad is represented by the Victoria Miro Gallery in London.
From: Conrad Shawcross, The Steady States, catalogue published by the New Art Gallery, Walsall and The Walker Art Gallery, National Museums Liverpool,biog/