Location One Suspends Operation
It is time to close Location One. We have had 15 glorious years, and we are extremely proud that we were able to offer this oasis to artists in which to dream and experiment. Our own lives and those of the community were enriched by all the thoughtful questioning and collaboration of so many artists and thinkers. The world in which we find ourselves has changed radically from those early days when the internet was new and computers a mystery and residencies were a rare gift, but the creativity that gave birth to so many extraordinary events and exhibitions will live on in the lives of the wonderful artists and thinkers with whom we were privileged to work.
We have closed our international residency program. We will suspend our exhibition, performance and discussion programs as of June 30, 2013. Heather Wagner and Kristofer Widholm have created a beautiful archive, “The Annals of Location One” to honor the artists and thinkers who graced our galleries: location1.org. Please have a look! We will maintain this for as long as possible.
We have countless wonderful memories of visionary artists experimenting, creating new work and collaborating in completely unexpected ways to inspire all of us to see the world in new light. We treasure the many artists, dancers, musicians, actors, writers, scholars, inventors, and activists who so enriched the ferment of ideas. We are hugely grateful to all the sponsors and donors whose generosity made all things possible. They understood and supported our idea that much of the most important art was ephemeral or politically and socially committed. Indeed, this kind of work is often difficult if not impossible to sell, but the impact on our lives is invaluable.
I personally am indebted beyond measure to the brilliant members of our board and to our talented and dedicated staff – my partners who created this special place, most especially: Drazen Pantic, Heather Wagner, Hank Stahler, Claudia Calirman, Steve Cukierski, Levi Teeling, Tom Fordham, Matilde Chacon, and my son Cody Montgomery; and to my long-term creative collaborators: Jim Staley, Douglas Irving Repetto, Bonnie Marranca, David Quinn, Arnie Apostol and the downtown dance community. Very special thanks to Pieranna Cavalchini, Eric Shiner, Elzbieta Matynia, Karen Helmerson, Joan Shigekawa, Marcia Vetrocq, Barbara London, Monika Fabijanska, Chris Csikszentmihalyi, Clay Shirky and Kristofer Widholm. There are too many wonderful artists to name you all, but a small number of you have been an inspiration to me for years and have also honored us by serving as “Senior Artists-in-Residence”: Martha Rosler, Laurie Anderson, Joan Jonas, Carolee Schneemann, Pablo Helguera and Keith Sonnier (board member for many years). There are no words for the gratitude I feel. It has been a huge privilege to work with all of you.
With heartfelt thanks to all of our community, I reiterate my deeply held belief:
Artists and thinkers take for granted the fluid boundaries of knowledge in the twenty-first century. They are the vanguard of human thought. They shape the models for the way we experience the contemporary world and images of its future. We at Location One have worked for 15 years to foster experimental art and critical dialogue between the people of the United States and the international community. The insight and vision of our fellows gives us hope for the future.
With love and gratitude,
Claire Montgomery
8 May 2013
Location One • 26 Greene Street NYC 10013 • +1 212.334.3347 • http://location1.org