February 18, 2005a performance by Benoît Maubrey which uses a new electroacoustic jacket, solar radio, guitar, sampler and more.
Benoît Maubrey performs “The Electronic Guy”Friday, February 18 2005, 8PMAdmission: $12, members freeRadio receivers, sound generators, samplers, amplifiers, loudspeakers- the clothes produce sounds by interacting with the environment and in response to the performers’ movements.Of his work Maubrey says: “The art we make is not high tech, it’s normal. The electronic tools we use are cheap and commonplace and can be found inside a lot of toys that litter a child’s playroom floor.Furthermore integrated circuits (ICs) can even add to a person’s charm. Loudspeakers have long been integrated into modern homes, mass transportation, and public spaces. Wherever you find people, you’ll find loudspeakers. It seems only logical to combine these elements: even your neighborhood policeman beeps and crackles as he walks his beat.The Audio Gruppe’s equipment and computer chips are obtained from surplus electronic parts, they’re essentially modern junk. When you superimpose them over peoples’ bodies it may look kind of strange at first, but so did “Walkmans” (and for that matter telephones) when they came on the market. One of the key aspects of our work is the interdisciplinary character — somewhere situated between the worlds of avantgarde music, sound art, dance, theatre, performance, street theatre, fashion, and electronic art.”The performance will be followed by a video and slide presentation.Maubrey and his group performed “Audio Ballerinas†live at LocationOne in 2003 to critical acclaim.Maubrey is the director of Die Audio Gruppe(www.audioballerinas.com), a Berlin-based art groupthat builds electro-acoustic clothes and performsin them.www.audioballerinas.com